Home Alarm System


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Home security tips


Did you know a single-family home is twice as likely to be burglarized than apartments?

Cash, small electronic equipment, home computers, cameras, jewelry, furs, tools and handguns are the most popular items for a burglar Few people really bother about security until something happens to them or a neighbor. Your lack of home security is the burglar's best friend and your worst enemy. There are many things the average person can do to make their home less of a target.

A burglar needs to get in, commit his crime, and get out fast without being seen or caught. Some basic precautions you can take are listed below which will greatly increase his reasons not to choose your home A burglar will typically attack an empty home, so anything you can do to make the place secure and look like there is someone home will help move him on to another target. When you are away do not change the look of the house. For example do not close up all the drapes and send the dog to someone else's house. Pay a kid to come and walk it and feed it each day you are away.

Put a timer on some of your main room lights and TV so they come on and off at the usual times. Have a neighbor put the trash cans out for you etc. Making the place look lived in will help a lot. Put yourself in the place of the criminal. If you were to break in to your house where would you start? Do the same drill with a friend and see what he comes up with.

Talk to you local police and get their recommendations for making your house safer for you and your family. Here are some other helpful hints that may save you a heartbreaking experience.

Trim back overhanging branches so a burglar can't get access to upper floors. Check to see if there are any other easy ways to get on the roof or in through an upper window i.e. ladders lying around, lattice against the house walls, roof drains etc

Plant thorny shrubs and bushes outside any low windows. Trim any shrubbery that a person could hide in against the house

Do you have skylights can that be removed from the outside or easily broken? If so get them secured.

Inspect your roof area and see if there are any possible entry points where a person could gain entry. Even a loose roof vent could provide access or a child burglar

Do not store you spare keys outside. What you think is a good storage space will be obvious to any experienced housebreaker. Everyone puts their keys under a pot plant or over a ledge. Leave the key with a trusted neighbor or friend so anyone who does legally need to get into your house will know where to get it.

Install exterior lights with motion detectors by all doors. Set these so a person will set them off but not a pet. They can be aimed a little high or the sensitivity can be raised a little

Ensure that your exterior doors are at least 1-3/4 inch thick 9 they probably are already) and made from solid wood or reinforced with metal? Any decent quality exterior door will provide good protection. All exterior doors should have a dead bolt as well as the regular door lock. Make sure this dead bolt is installed with a heavy-duty strike plate and long heavy screws that go well into the door jamb and framing lumber behind it. A weak strike plate and screws will give way to a good kick or heavy shoulder.

Do not have a mail slot that a person can get their hand through and reach the door locks. Also glass panels in a door can defeat the whole plan, as they are easy to break and the locks can then be reached. CAUTION: A double keyed dead bolt, with a key to operate each side is a fire safety hazard and are not recommended in a living space. A pet door is also easy access for a child to get in and unlatch the door for a burglar. Upstairs windows are also easy access for a thief.

Any exterior glass doors need to have a security lock on the inside. These can be clamps that go on the top and bottom rails, a broomstick cut to fit in the lower track or even a dead bolt type system. Also you can add a few screws in the upper track after the door is installed. Do not screw these all the way in, just enough to allow the door to slide easily. This will prevent a burglar from lifting the door out of its frame to gain entry

Pay special attention to the garage. Often a side door to the garage gets overlooked and is not a high quality door like the rest of the house. There should also be a dead bolt from the garage to the house so this can be locked at night. If you do not have an electric garage door opener then make sure you can bolt the garage door from the inside to prevent forced opening. Also lock you car and set the alarm when it is in the garage as added precaution.

Check your windows. Are they easy to open from the outside? Ask a friend to try and break in, as he will see it differently to you. Windows in easily accessible positions should have a secure locking system or bars to prevent access. CAUTION: Any bared window should have a release devise so the window and bars can be easily released for emergency exit. Consult you security specialist for this.

All your irreplaceable items should be stored in a fireproof safe or a bank safe deposit box. Computer backups should also be kept in another location. Make a video of your house contents and store this off site also. This is a great reminder tool should something go missing or to help the insurance company in the event of a disaster. Keep a record of all serial numbers, make and model numbers and file these. Mark all TV's and important items with a readily identifiable mark that can be seen easily by police or anyone who may be thinking of buying stolen items. There are many products on the market for this. You can also store all this data online at http://www.osldb.com/ Contact them for data on this program

Also take still photographs of your possessions so you have the record in case of emergencies.

Are you going away on vacation? Here are some things that can help protect you home and valuables

Arm the security system if you have one when you leave the house. In a dangerous area an internal security system just covering certain rooms that would catch an intruder at night may help you sleep better. Make sure a pet will not set these off. There is also an automatic dialer that can be added to security system that will automatically call the police and 1-2 other numbers if the alarm goes off.

Have neighbors on both sides watch your house for you. Leave them an emergency number where you can be reached. You can also leave a key with them if you know them well enough.

Get your lights and TV, radio etc on a timer so they come on and off at normal times.

Do not cancel the gardeners. DO cancel the mail and newspaper delivery or have a trusted friend or neighbor collect the mail daily. The post office will do this for you and you can go and collect you mail when you return. Lastly, call your local police and inform them you will be away for an extended time and ask if they can keep a watch on the house. Make sure they know who has keys and how to get hold of you.

If all the above fails go to http://www.osldb.com where you can list your stolen or lost property. This is a new web site where you can enlist the help of others to find your valuables. Better still use the advice above and don't get burgled.

CTW Inc is the owner of http://www.officialstolenlost.com web site. The company founders have done red carpet security for celebrity events, movie premiers, large concerts, general event security & personal celebrity security. We have extensive experience with private investigations with the legal profession. Personal and home security have become our specialty. Free articles at http://www.osldb.com

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