Wireless Home Security System
Most home security systems rely on phone lines to send an alert to the Security Company and police. Nowadays, more systems have become more sophisticated and are updating with the times. Wireless home security system more and more seem to be the way to go. People are increasingly interested in doing away with complicated and sometimes confusing wired operations.
If you think about it, if a burglar makes it into your home and you have a security system in place, you would expect that it does what it?s supposed to and sends a signal for help. However, if the burglar cuts the phone line or takes the phone off the hook, the signal will never go out. This prevents the security company from providing the help that you?re paying for.
If your internet connection uses DSL, then the signal can go through your PC to alert the security company of a potential break-in. One factor to keep in mind is compatibility. You can let the security company know you are using the DSL connection and they can install a filter to straighten it out, usually for a fee.
Another option available now is cellular back up. This way, if your phone line is cut during a break-in, the alert is automatically sent via your cell phone. Most companies charge an additional fee for this service, but it is available. Other wireless options are also available, such as wireless security cameras and others like voice dialer security systems where the signal going out to the security company is voice activated, rather than phone activated. The security company can also communicate wirelessly this way.
There are other advantages going with a wireless home security system. For starters, the installation is easier without all the wires involved with a hard installation. It also allows for more flexibility with the security plan you may already have. Most of the benefits are related to the lack of wires versus the many wires involved in a traditionally installed system. Wireless systems are cleaner because of it. Plus, the maintenance on a wireless system is easier as well since it?s not as bulky as a regular system. If you choose to make improvements at some point on your home, a wired system can create some inconvenience.
However, while wireless home security system is an up and coming way to go, both options are good and serve the purpose of protecting your home. You may want to consider incorporating both systems as part of an overall home security system.
Sean Hattaway has been an advocate of Home Security for years. He provides vital Home Security tips and information online. Go to Wireless Home Security System also located at http://www.MyHomeSecurityPro.com
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