Home Alarm System


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Home Security-Tips to Prevent Home Invasion

In the articles "Home Security-Home Invasion Threat Parts I and I" we discussed what Home Invasion was, some tips to avoid being a victim and what to do if you became a victim. In this article we are going to focus on prevention.

To review, Home Invasion is a term coined by police departments to describe a burglary of a home when the occupants are there. Most burglaries occur when the occupants are not at home because quite frankly the perpetrators don't need the added stress of dealing with people who might be armed and angry. What a mess that would be.

To my humble way of thinking Home Invasion is potentially a much more heinous crime than a burglary because the threat of injury or death to the occupants (you and your family) is definitely a huge risk.

Home Invasion has a much higher prospect of confrontation by its' very nature and is thus potentially far more dangerous. On the other hand since it is basically a burglary with people at home, the principles that apply to burglary prevention would work here as well with a few additions.

Some basic facts: 1. Police authorities estimate that 90 % of all burglaries/home invasions are preventable. 2. In 17% of all crimes domiciles were violated. 3. The average burglar will spend no more than 2 minutes trying to get into a home. 4. A burglary occurs every 15 seconds. So how do we stop this from happening and prevent home invasions? It seems obvious to me that you want to make your home an "uninviting" target by putting out the "UNWELCOME" mat. Advertise to everyone this house is not going to be a pushover. "Mr. Burglar, you are in for a hard time if you pick on us."

---Is you home well lit? Even motion activated spots are great.

---Are there hiding places next to your home? Remove all shrubs and large plants that could provide hiding places next to your home.

---Get out your "UNWELCOME" signs. Start with Neighborhood watch signs. www.usaonwatch.com Then have some signs that announce obstacles "beware of guard dog", "these premises protected by..." etc. And my favorite, an NRA sticker on your window or someplace conspicuous. You get the idea. Advertise that your home is not a good idea for burglary or home invasion.

---Dummy surveillance cameras provide a few minutes of thought for a potential intruder.

---Make sure you have some non lethal self defense weapons such as pepper sprays and stun guns located in a few places around the house. Even some audible alarms will help.

These inexpensive methods of prevention will make your home an uninviting target for a potential burglar/home invader. His job is to break into your home if you are home or not. Advertise to everyone it is not a good idea to even consider your home by putting out the "UNWELCOME" mat.

Chances are very good that you are reading this because in some way crime has touched your life or you want to be proactive and protect yourself, family, home, or business from the ravages of crime. That is the first step.

NOW the next step is for you to take action and purchase a dummy camera or stun guns. Look at our selection of self defense/ home security products at http://www.secure-at.com/dummy-cameras.htm and http://www.aaa-safetyfirst.com/runtstungun.htm both of which provide real "Security Solutions". Check out his new website: http://www.h-o-m-e-s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y.com

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