Home Alarm System


Monday, March 24, 2008

Home Security - Protect Your Properties with Property Marking

Ultra violet technology is used in security products to protect property. With the use of an ultra violet pen, property is marked with a specific sign, number or code. That mark is called an ultra violet mark, however, the mark will not be visible in normal light, but will glow when an ultra violet light is shed on it from an ultraviolet lamp. The mark does not damage property in any way. This technology is used to mark property at home, school, office, on boats, and recreational vehicles. In case of a theft, once the goods are recovered you can confidently claim them.

Any personal property can be marked with ultra violet pens. It is ideal for marking and identifying: PCs, Servers, Kitchen Appliances, Mobile Phones, Lap-Top Computers, Home and Office Equipment, Audio Systems, TV and Accessories, Vehicles and their parts, Cycles and Motorcycles, General Household Valuables, Gardening Equipment, Leisure and Sports Equipment.

UV lamps are available in both portable and stationary models. Ultra violet lamps can detect fake currency, mechanical and chemical erasures.

Ultra violet pens are used to mark property with an ultraviolet mark. Ultra violet pens can be used on surfaces like wood, plastic, metal, glass, cloth, and paper to write and mark. It is advisable to mark property every two years as the ultra violet marks may fade with exposure to sun light or by washing. In addition, ultra violet marks should be put in places where it has the least human contact or contact with other things. This again prevents faster fading. The best way to mark properties with an ultra violet pen is to write the driving license number or first two initials of the name or other special code that you would like to use.

The best use of ultra violet marking is when certain item that is marked with ultra violet pen goes in for repairs, if switching of the item occurs it can be easily detected. Recovery of goods after theft becomes possible and the job of police officers becomes easier in identifying your goods.

Ultra violet lamps can be found that use either batteries or electricity. You can find ultra violet lamps and pen sold together in one kit or separately according to your preferences. There are some ultra violet pens that promise life long marking, but eventually the markings will begin to fade. It is advisable to mark property periodically to ensure that the mark is visible and clearly legible when exposed to ultra violet light.

4th Media Corporation

Natalie Aranda writes on home and family

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