Home Alarm System


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Increase Your Home Security With Wireless Security Cameras

Wireless security cameras are becoming extremely popular as an integral part of many home security systems these days. One of the main reasons is their ease of installation. They can also be used for many practical purposes including keeping an eye on your nanny or babysitter when you are away, making sure kids behave when you are not at home, monitoring the security both inside and outside your home at all times, and more.

As mentioned, one of the best features about wireless security cameras is that they can be easily installed almost anywhere. Because there are no wires to run through walls and from floor to floor most of the hard work of installing video surveillance cameras at home has been eliminated. Essentially, you just find a discreet spot for the camera that will provide you with a good view of the area you want to see and then mount it there.

The images from the wireless camera can be transmitted to be displayed on any appropriate monitor, including your computer screen or on your TV, by a receiver that is connected to the viewing device. With the right equipment you can even have several wireless security cameras connected to a single receiver that allows you to shuffle through all of the camera images to constantly monitor what is going on. In fact, if your TV has a picture-in-picture feature you may also be able to view the camera images in the small screen while you watch your favorite TV shows.

There are also software products available that can take remote monitoring to a new level. They enable you to be able to log into your home computer from any internet connection and view the camera video at home whenever you want. So you no longer have to be physically present to keep an eye on things at home.

The other major benefit of most wireless camera systems is that they are very inexpensive. In fact, it may surprise you to see how little such a system can cost. And because of their ease of installation and use, most likely you won't need anyone else to install it for you either, again saving on the total cost of the wireless system.

So why not investigate the idea of installing a wireless security camera system in your home? It's easy, affordable, and very effective for many home surveillance uses.

Find out more about wireless home security and wireless home security systems by visiting our Home Security website.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How To Improve Your Home's Security And Privacy

Because of the prevalence of door-to-door solicitation in some communities, criminals seeking to "case your place" for some future action and investigators hoping for a quick look inside often use the guise of a solicitor.

Furthermore, even "legitimate" solicitors may be difficult to get rid of until you agree to purchase whatever they are hawking or support the group they are advocating.

To keep unwanted company from knocking on your front door, it is necessary to place a barrier between thepublic street and your front door. This barrier does not need to be a 12-foot-tall electric fence, but rather anything that keeps people from easily approaching your home from the public street.

A decorative fence around your yard combined with a locking gate will keep solicitors at bay.

Not everyone however has a yard around which to erect a fence. A gate blocking the steps onto your front porch can prove just as effective, as can a locked door at the main entrence of an apartment building. The idea is to make the approaching your front door more effort than it is worth for the solicitor, salesman, or snoop.

That said, the effectiveness of a dog in deterring solicitors, trespassers, and other door-to-door nuisances cannot be overlooked (altough a dog does not have the same effect as a physical barrier). Of course, the effectiveness of a dog in discouraging people from approaching your door depends a great deal on the disposition of the dog.

Almost any dog will bark at the approach of a stranger; however, a barking dog may not prevent someone from approaching your door unless it is clearly of a mind to do so. Many door-to-door solicitors are used to dealing with dogs and many simply ignore the dog's bark unless the dog appears ready to back the bark up with some bite.

This does not mean that your dog must be Cujo on steroids to deter solicitors, but it must give enough of an aggressive appearance that solicitors won't be willing to tempt fate and the dog's temperament for the sake of a sale.

Even if you dog happens to be Cerberus who guard the gates of hell, there should be still be a locked gate for him to guard.

I strongly believe that dogs provide an excellent addition to your personal and home security, and their acute senses detect trespassers where people may not, but a dog is not a replacement for a physical barrier. Rather, he is an addition to it!

Max Penn is one of four people behind the well respected Spy Equipment Buying Guide. To find more check out surveillance equipment

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Homeland Security Creates New Job Openings

The establishment of the Department of Homeland Security has been a great stride toward improving the overall safety and security of the United States. In addition, it has also created several new employment opportunities, especially in areas where national security concerns may have previously been overlooked.

Newly created positions exist within the Department of Homeland Security itself while others have been created from the various agencies which the Department oversees. These government agencies include U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Secret Service. Internal employment opportunities exist within the Department of Homeland Security in the Office of the Secretary, Office of Management, Office of Inspector General and the Office of Border and Transportation Security. These employment opportunities represent our nation's newfound commitment to the protection from harm that is required by all U.S. citizens. They also present an opportunity for qualified personnel to find a position that will afford them the satisfaction of knowing they are contributing to the continued success of our nation's way of life. From positions in information technology and human resources to attorneys and border patrol agents, the number and variety of available employment opportunities is staggering. Homeland security has become an industry unto itself and will likely continue to create new job openings well into the foreseeable future. Colleges and Universities are starting to develop programs that cater to the needs of the homeland security industry. While many have incorporated homeland security curriculum into already established degree programs such as criminal justice, others have developed degree programs that are specific to the field. These degree programs and the positions they are meant to qualify people to obtain are both excellent options for college students to consider. While the tragedy of 9/11 is beyond unfortunate, the resulting circumstances have created new opportunities for those who wish to prevent an event like this from ever happening again.

To learn more about a Homeland security degree visit our site http://www.degreesinhomelandsecurity.com/

To learn about earning a degree online visit http://www.searchforclasses.com

Catch up on that latest online education news at http:

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Beyond Home Security: Internet remote monitoring and family life.

Defending your material possessions is nowadays a lot easier than what it used to be even just a few years ago. Technology has raised the level of protection achievable exponentially.

The use of wireless video cameras, motion detectors and video recording in combination with web based remote monitoring are definitely forcing a good number of "old school" burglars to seriously consider a career change.

A higher level of protection for your material possessions though it is not the only advantage that these latest technologies have to offer. There is another level of home security, growing along side with financial loss prevention, which can be considered even more valuable.

Imagine the convenience of being able to check what is happening on your property at any time, from wherever you are. That is exactly what you can do with an internet based home security camera system.

How many times have you found yourself in a time crunch because something in your house was in urgent need of repair and the only way to get it done was for you to be present. Think of how convenient could be being able to supervise the work from your office instead.

You could also have your housekeeping done in all tranquillity as you keep your productivity and income flowing. This would also mean that you would not have to spend your free time, working hard to keep the house clean.

Some of us have pets which are by necessity left alone in the house. Well, I am sure that if you are one concerned pet owner you would certainly feel much better if you could see how your best friend is doing, any time you whish to.

And then of course the most obvious of all supervising needs... kids.

If your kids are of young age he or she, or they, will have to be in company of a baby sitter, but even if they are not alone, I have no doubts about it because I am a parent myself, you would be able to carry through your working day in a much more relaxed manner if you were able check on them every now and then.

Not to mention of course those horrible cases of child abuse that we hear about occasionally in the news. Your cameras are running all the time and even if you are not "watching" all the time, it's all being recorded. You could, just to be safe, go over a portion of the recorded video sometimes... being parents is hard enough without having to deal with extraordinarily challenging situations.

Imagine the typical scenario of an average middle class family where both parents have to work in order to be able to afford their somewhat comfortable life style. The children are already at the point when they don't like to be called children anymore. You know, when the girls start using make up if you are not there and the boys don't want to be kissed in public anymore...

I can assure you, from personal experience, when the kids are in their teens you want to be there, especially if you are not. In this particular case a remote monitoring security camera system is "The" most useful tool you may have around the house.

On a closing note security cameras with online remote monitoring gives you the opportunity to make sure everything is all right any time you whish to do so, giving you peace of mind if you have kids, pets, cleaning service, baby sitter, gardner, work done at the house... you name it. It really is an investment which increases exponentially the eventuality of a much safer future for you and your family, and that is much more precious than any material possession.

Mark Van Neem

The author owns four websites covering all aspects of Home Security. To find resources and information about companies specialized in security consulting and alarm systems installation visit www.SecurityCameraHome.info.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Types Of Home Security

Let me start off by saying that my home has been robbed. I was at work and got a call from my wife asking me if I had taken the VCR to be repaired. I knew right away that we had been robbed. That was the last time as we have since had a home security system installed.

What I didn't know is, there are different types of security systems and not all security systems are created equally.

Let me start with the type that I have personally. Mine is a monitoring system which is attached to an alarm built into your doors and windows. The more areas in your house you have the alarms installed in, the more expensive the installation, unless the monitoring company has a special offer. In our case we got free installation of alarms on 2 doors and 1 window. Anything beyond that we had to pay for. Fortunately we felt that that was all we needed so we went with it.

The way the system works is very simple. You have an alarm control box which they install by your front door or wherever you designate then to install it. You are then instructed to program a code into the alarm. This is to do 2 things. First, to actually be able to set the alarm. Second to be able to turn off the alarm when entering the house. The alarm goes off based on one of two things, whichever it detects first. The first is the actual opening of the door or window. The second, is a motion sensor installed above the box which sets off the alarm if it detects motion in the house. That is in case somebody bypasses the trigger on the doors and windows. The motion sensor is a backup. The way the alarm detects if the door is open is because a device is installed inside your door. Once connection is broken with the panel across from the door the alarm goes off. If entering the house normally with a key you have 60 seconds to enter the bypass code before the alarm goes into its second stage and blasts out a sound that could deafen the people across the street. At this time an alarm also goes out to the monitoring company who call you up on the phone. If they get no answer or the person who answers does not know the security password, which you give to the company upon signing up, they send the police over.

That is pretty much the way an indoor monitoring alarm system works.

Now, you can get one of these alarms to install yourself and it will go off if someone enters the house who doesn't know the bypass code but without a monitoring service it's just a loud noise and may or may not be enough to scare off the intruder. Considering monitoring is relatively cheap, it doesn't make sense not to get a monitoring service.

But security systems don't end there. There are also outdoor security systems where if an intruder approaches the grounds, flood lights will first come on and then upon passing a certain point without entering in a code into the outdoor device, an alarm will go off before the intruder even enters the house. Needless to say, these systems are much more expensive.

Then of course you have security monitoring systems, closed circuit TV, and wireless intercom systems. While these can be used for your home, especially if you have a mansion, they are mostly used for businesses.

Let's not forget smoke and fire sensors that, when set off by smoke or fire, will also send a signal to the monitoring service who then calls the fire department.

In addition to all of that, there are also the common sense things you can do yourself like get solid wood or metal doors with strong deadbolt locks. Windows can be secured with key locks. Double hung windows can be secured by nailing the top and bottom together. You might also want to consider iron grates or grilles for your windows.

Other things you can do to secure your home is place signs on your lawn indicating that your home is protected by such and such a service or device. Also a beware of dog sign, whether you have one or not, can't hurt.

Yes, there are many ways to protect your home. You don't have to be a victim like I was.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Home Security

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Home Security Tips To Help Prevent Crime

Most people would agree that the best home security system is one that effectively avoids the crime, or prevents it in the first place. Of course, it's a good idea to also have steps built into your home security plan that helps foil a break-in after it has already begun like a home security alarm system or a home safe. But the first line of defense should always involve some means of making the odds of your home being selected as the target of a burglar significantly lower. Here are a few tips to consider to help accomplish that:

1. Get a watch dog. It doesn't even have to be a large dog to be effective in preventing burglaries. Just try to think of it from the standpoint of the burglar. If you have two houses on the same street and one has a dog that barks when trouble is detected and the other doesn't, which one would you rather target? And dogs present a double threat to an intruder, because they not only make noise which is very undesirable from the criminal's viewpoint, but they can also attack and cause harm if they feel threatened enough. What burglar wants to put up with all of that, when speed and quiet are essential to getting the job done right?

2. Put up cameras outside the home in very strategic areas that appear to monitor all of the exterior entry and exit spots. Making these cameras very conspicuous from even a casual observance of your home can be very useful in lowering your chances of a break-in. In fact, some homeowners and shop keepers who feel that they cannot afford a security camera system have used fake cameras that look like the real thing and only cost $15 - $20 each to accomplish the same goal of trying to prevent the crime before it starts.

3. Neighborhood watch programs are incredibly effective ways to prevent crime. What burglar wants to risk being spotted by several neighbors as a potential threat in the neighborhood before he even has a chance to break in and steal something? Displaying a neighborhood watch sign in your yard is a great way to help fight crime in advance because it gives the impression that burglaries are much more risky in that area.

So when planning out your home security, take into account simple measures that can be read as a clear signal that your home is not ripe for an intrusion and that criminals would find the going hard if they decided to try to break into your home.

Find out more about a home security camera system and home security surveillance by visiting our Home Security website.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Preventing Burglaries With Home Security Cameras

Most crime experts agree that the best crime tool is one that prevents the crime in the first place rather than just trying to foil it as it is taking place. There are plenty of ways to send a clear signal to would-be intruders that the security of your home and family is a high priority to you, and that they would do well to try to choose a less challenging target elsewhere.

Of course, some security measures, especially those inside your home may be best kept discreet or even virtually undetectable. But before a burlar can break into your home they have to size it up from the outside. They will be looking for clues about how prepared you are as a homeowner and how difficult you have made things for them to be able to get in and out as quickly and stealthily as possible.

So the outside of the house is where you can make a clear statement to potential burglars that your home is not a good choice for intrusion. One way you can do this is by using home security video cameras in prominent and also strategic areas of the outside of your home. You can bet that burglars will be looking for these cameras when they go through a neighborhood as the last thing that they want is to have their image captured on video where it can be used to help identify and prosecute them.

So if you choose to use a camera system outside, it's actually a good idea to make them large enough that they can easily be seen from the street. Put them in a prominent location that can't be missed by an outside observer. Make sure that they cover any vulnerable areas of the home and major entry and exit points too. That makes the planned break-in so much harder to accomplish.

You can even consider using fake security cameras for this job if money if a major consideration in your home security budget, and you just afford the real thing yet. Many fake cameras look identical to real ones and can't be distinguished as not being the real thing unless you actually take them apart. Remember, the strategy in this case is to try to prevent the crime more than actually catch the criminal in the commission of the crime.

Many criminals will not want to take the chance of breaking into your home if they get the impression that you are well prepared and that you have a good security plan in place. So plan ahead to try to prevent the crime before it can even begin.

Find out more about a home security camera system and home security surveillance by visiting our Home Security website.

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How To Successfully Use Home Security Cameras

Increasing home security can be accomplished in several ways. Some of those include home security systems and alarms, neighborhood watch programs and more. But home security camera systems are growing in popularity lately. Let see why.

A home security camera system does not have to be expensive or extensive to help you keep in touch with what is going on around your home at all times. Just a few well-placed cameras at very strategic locations can be all that you need. For instance, cameras that are placed at opposite outside corners of your home can provide good coverage of most of the perimeter of the house. You can even connect these cameras to motion sensitive devices that only turns them on when motion is detected in it's surveillance area.

A couple of cameras inside the home can also be used in a very similar way and because many surveillance cameras are very small these days they can be practically invisible to the casual observance. In fact, oftentimes something as simple and cheap as a webcam can be used to capture enough video to give you the information that you need to be able to successfully monitor your home. And these are very small and inexpensive cameras to use.

With these cameras in place, you can monitor what is happening at your home from a great distance by combining them with appropriate software and connecting through the internet to view the results. There is software available that will alert you by email when motion is detected in a particular area. Or you can choose to have the cameras record video continuously for you and save it to a server where you can then access it and review it at your leisure.

Some use these setups to keep an eye on babysitters, or to monitor what their children are doing while they are away.

Of course, even if you do not have children, a home security camera system can still be beneficial for peace of mind when you are away from home. It can help you make sure that no nasty surprises will be awaiting you upon your return home.

So give consideration to incorporating a home security camera system in your security arsenal. It's cheap and very effective.

Find out more about a home security camera system and home security surveillance by visiting our Home Security website.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Increase Your Home Security With Video Surveillance

The modern homeowner has been aided considerably by advancing technology and nowhere is that more evident than in the field of home security. The tools that are now in the hands of the average homeowner were considered practical for only the wealthiest of people and large corporations only just a few years ago.

For instance, consider the subject of video surveillance. In times past the only solution offered was an analog closed circuit television system which was expensive and had serious drawbacks, including the fact that it was not possible to actually monitor events around your home from long distance as they happened. They had to be saved to some type of recording device, most often video tape, and then viewed later at once to provide any useful information.

But with the advent of the computer age, networking, and the internet, great improvements have been made to the advantage of the average homeowner. Chief among these is the rise of digital recording devices instead of analog equipment. By capturing the video in digital format, it could then be broadcast to another distant location and even viewed live as it happens. It also improved the captured images considerably, and made for much better image quality.

Because of the internet, we now have the ability to log onto the web and view video feeds from cameras at our home live as they are recording. By combining this technology with the right software product we can even view more than one camera's output at the same time. So if you have for instance 5 cameras around your home, you can watch them on your monitor screen whenever you wish to keep an eye on what is happening even though you are many miles away.

Having such a digital home security camera system is not all that expensive either, and with the rising number of people becoming familiar with setting up their own wireless computer systems, it is also becoming a home security measure that many can install themselves.

So if you have the need to keep up with what is happening at home when you are away for any reason, why not consider getting a digital camera system for your own peace of mind?

Find out more about a home security camera system and home security surveillance by visiting our Home Security website.

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Homeland Security a Good Career Choice

Homeland security has turned into big business in the U.S. With several new job openings and the chance to work in a personally rewarding industry, homeland security makes an excellent career choice. The basic ingredients for a successful career go far beyond hard work and discipline. Planning is necessary to decide on a career that will satisfy a variety of personal and professional considerations. These considerations include educational opportunities, the availability of jobs both now and in the future, salary requirements and of course, and the nature of the work itself. Some people are less concerned with the nature of the actual work and are strictly financially motivated. Some fields are highly competitive in regard to job opportunities while others are experiencing unprecedented growth. Some fields require substantially more than a standard bachelor's degree while others require little education at all. In short, these considerations must be weighed when deciding on a career path to follow. Homeland security is a field that offers several benefits. In regard to educational opportunities, many colleges now offer degree programs in homeland security. These programs are designed to help graduates gain employment in the field by providing them with knowledge of the organizational structure of the various homeland security agencies and training them for the administrative aspects of supervisory positions. Many graduates go on to receive specialized training in law enforcement, investigations, immigration law, foreign policy and emergency management. In regard to job availability, the current and future employment outlook is well above average for all industries. In regard to salary requirements, positions in homeland security enjoy the same salaries as their non-industry counterparts with above average upward mobility. From administrators to file clerks, all employees who work for an agency that is supervised by the Department of Homeland Security are on the same pay scale that all federal employees are categorized under, yet often have more opportunities for advancement. The nature of the work involved in homeland security is as varying as the number of positions in the industry. Aside from covert operations or intelligence gathering, a career in homeland security is often similar to a career in any field one might choose. A human resources director for a Department of Homeland Security field office will perform the same tasks that a human resources director for a private company will perform. There is one substantial difference, however. Those who choose to work in the homeland security field will be rewarded with the respect and admiration that comes with protecting our great nation.

To learn more about a Homeland security degree visit our site http://www.degreesinhomelandsecurity.com/

To learn about earning a degree online visit http://www.searchforclasses.com

Catch up on that latest online education news at http:

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Home Security System - A step beyond the traditional alarm system.

Most people when considering their home or business security automatically think "Alarm System".

In reality though the alarm system, as sophisticated as it may be, is what the burglars are trained to deal with. It is part of their bag of skills to be able to neutralize most of the alarm systems commonly installed on residential and commercial properties.

Furthermore a high level of education doesn't guarantee that the individual will not use that knowledge illegally. Unfortunately there are burglars who have engineering degrees in electronic. Some of them are the very ones who design the alarm systems we use.

OK, they are a small percentage of the big bulk of the thief category, but they are out there and the more value is on your property, the higher the probability that a very skillful thief will notice you.

A better security approach is what I call the "war camp security".

Hopefully you never had to experience in first person how to secure an overnight camp in a war zone, but you have certainly watched a few war movies where this type of situation is more or less accurately described.

The crucial points are the following:

1. Create a perimeter which would alert you of the incoming intruders.

Possibly without alerting the intruders of the fact that you are aware of their "visit". On your property this can be accomplished with motion detectors and "hidden" peripheral security cameras with online remote monitoring, which by the way, nowadays have become quite affordable.

When activated the motion detector will trigger a telephone call to your cell-phone. You don't want the system to alert the authorities, not yet.

The trespasser may not be a burglar, it could be the mailman, your gardner, or it could simply be someone you know who is not aware of your absence and is coming for a surprise visit.As you receive the warning call you can grab your laptop or get online with any computer, go to the security company website, usually the same company which installed your remote monitoring security system, enter your username and password and "see" what is happening on your property.

If it looks like a burglar you can call the police. You will have the video recording to prove the suspect was behaving as a burglar. Additionally the images recorded may help identify the person.

By the way, none of your flood lights should be facing your hidden cameras. They should "look" , more or less, in the same direction. If the lights shine into the cameras the subject in the image will result having the dark side exposed to the camera, possibly compromising any attempt of identification.

2. Establish a first line of defense.

In war times this would be a various number of lethal traps but of course it is not legal during peace times. In our case the first line of defense is a passive one and it is comprised of very robust doors and windows. Don't forget to place the alarm company stickers on your doors and windows. You should also have a security camera in plain site right outside your front door. Many unsophisticated thieves would simply turn around and go look for an easier loot.

All your doors and windows, even the upstairs ones, need to be locked and connected to the alarm system. At this point, when the burglar has broken into your house, or business, it is time to alert the authorities, but not the intruder. Having the alarm activate a siren at this time is a very common mistake.

When the siren goes off the burglar knows that he has a few minutes before the police arrive. He may know where your precious things are. He might have been on your property before. If it is your house he could have been someone doing some work at the house. If it is your business it's even easier to snoop around just pretending to be a customer and survey the ground before hand.

The experienced burglar will know if he has enough time to get the loot and get away before the police arrives.

3. Establish your second line of defense.

Your remote monitoring security cameras are in every room but here is a trick. Use sets of two cameras at every observation point, one as it would be normally installed and the second one as a hidden camera. Nowadays wireless cameras can be very small and easy to conceal exactly because of the absence of wires.

4. ATTACK !!!

If your finances allow you to install some Home Automation you can actually engage the intruder with some psychological warfare.

Through your web interface you can turn on and off various appliances, lights, a tape recorder with a prerecorded message. You can let your imagination run wild and have fun inventing ways to surprise the intruder.

Here is something to remember though; you can not try to trap the intruder in your house and you can not cause any injury, not even put him to sleep releasing sleeping gas. There have been similar cases where the burglar has sued the property owner for putting his life in danger, and won the case.

A simple, and definitely cheaper way to distract the thief is by calling your home phone and when the answering machine picks up try to initiate a conversation, let the burglar know that you are watching and intend to propose a deal. The point of course is not to get to know him, and not even to scare him away, but simply to distract him and make him slow down so to give more time to the police, or the alarm company security guards, to reach the site.

You can also play with his intention to steal something of value and leave a misleading message.

Here is pretty good diversion; call pretending to be a friend of yours who has borrowed your Jaguar and leave a message saying that you are ten minutes away from the house, on your way to returning the car. Then ad that if you don't find anybody home you will leave the car keys under the door mat. What thief wouldn't be tempted to wait a few minutes and add a luxury car to his loot?

On the market there are several different type of devices with wireless transmitter which may be strategically placed so that when a certain item is moved the alarm will emit a very loud sound, so loud to impair the cognitive functioning of the offender brain. His first reaction will probably be to try to destroy the device, but if you have been careful to place it somehow out of reach, the intruder may be forced to abandon the room.

This type of devices can be connected to closet or cabinets doors, drawers or even directly to items like precious art pieces, jewellery boxes, big screen TV, safes. By the way, having a safe not secured to the wall or the floor is quite pointless. Unless the safe weights a ton the thief will simply carry it away and open it in the comfort of his own "workshop".

In conclusion, the traditional alarm system that sounds a siren when the burglar brakes in does not save you from being burglarized.

Think about it, how many times after hearing a home alarm going off in the neighborhood you have actually gone to check if the house was being burglarized? You might have looked out the window, or you might have stepped outside and looked down the street, but let's be honest, very few of us would actually go to the house and knock at the door.

The professional burglar knows that, and counts on it.

From the technological point of view that type of security system is a thing of the past. Nowadays with very little additional investment you can have motion detectors triggering several telephone calls and security cameras with online remote monitoring to check your property any time you want and record any unusual event.

This is the least security you need to have if you are serious about protecting your home or business.

On a less pressing note security cameras with online remote monitoring gives you the opportunity to make sure everything is all right any time you whish to do so, giving you peace of mind if you have kids, pets, cleaning service, baby sitter, gardner... you name it. It really is an investment which increase exponentially the eventuality of a much safer future for you and your family, and that is much more precious than any material possession.

Mark Van Neem

The author owns four websites covering all aspects of Home Security. To find resources and information about companies specialized in security consulting and alarm systems installation visit AlarmSystemHome.info

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Friday, February 8, 2008

How To Select The Best Home Security Company For Your Needs

Home security is a growing field and lots of companies have entered into it with a wide variety of products being offered to consumers. And there is something available for almost every budget too. So how do you choose what security system to buy, and where should you buy it?

Well obviously, one of the largest factors that needs to be considered is how much money your budget will allow you to spend on a new home security system. There is no need to be looking at high end security systems if you can't afford them anyway. Another important factor to consider is not just the security system itself, but also the installation. Are you a good do-it-yourselfer? Are you familiar with home wiring and doing home improvement work? If so, you may choose to install the alarm system yourself and can save a lot of money by doing so. In fact, the money you save on installation costs can allow you to upgrade the security system itself. In this case, there are some great security systems available online for a lot less than you would pay otherwise and can even further reduce the purchase cost.

If you feel that you are like most of us though and cannot do the installation yourself, then you most likely will want to talk with a home security specialist from one of the major companies in that field. It's a good idea to do a little advance research beforehand though. Home security alarm systems are becoming increasingly more common, so why not ask your friends, family, co-workers and others you know if they have had any good or bad experiences with a particular security company? If you ask enough people in your area, you will usually start to get a good feel for both companies that have treated their customers well, and those that don't.

Many companies will send a field representative to your home to inspect it firsthand and make specific recommendations on the type of security system that they feel will suit you best. The thing to keep in mind in these situations is your predetermined budget. Don't allow anyone to talk you into a more expensive security system than you can really afford just because it has more features. Remember that even the most basic security system is better than none at all.

It's best to stay with companies that are authorized representatives of a major home security company, as they tend to need to protect their reputation in the community and have a more long term vision for their business which includes treating customers well. Avoid independent contractors that don't already come with extremely good recommendations from people that you can trust.

Just a few of these simple guidelines can help insure that you choose a home security system that works well for you and does not cost more than it should.

Find out more about a home security system and home security products by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Motion Detectors And Your Home Security

Being fully aware of what is going on around your home, both day and night, is a good strategy for home security. And having measures in place that make a break-in to your home very difficult when you aren't there decreases the likelihood that a successful home intrusion will take place. And advancing technology continues to arm homeowners with more and more sophisticated ways to protect their home and family with devices that constantly monitor what is going on around the home.

One of those devices is the simple motion detector. For years they have been used in other applications like garage doors where it prevents allowing the door to close if it senses movement or a blockage underneath the door. But now they are being increasingly used in home security systems to help inform the homeowner of outside movement,especially at night, and also even set off surveillance systems that can capture on video what is happening as well.

So how can you include motion detectors in your home security system? One of the most simple ways to do so is just to install lights around the house at strategic spots that have motion sensors in them and turn on automatically when triggered at night. These kind ofr lights can be found at any hardware or home improvement store and are very inexpensive. They can be wired into your home lighting system and turned on manually, or you can also use battery powered units that are light sensitive and can only be activated when darkness falls. Just be sure to replace the batteries regularly.

For more advanced home security systems, motion detectors can be used to trigger the home alarm system when activated. They are often installed inside the home in addition to sensors that monitor the doors and windows. If someone does gain entry to your home while you are away they will detect the movement and trigger the alarm. This works very well if you don't have pets or small animals that would be moving around the home and could trigger false alarms.

They also can be used outside to turn on video surveillance cameras for more advanced security systems. When installed with video cameras, they can trigger the camera to begin recording whenever motion is detected, and also notify you of the movement if you are home. Since the video camera only captures the action when motion is detected it doesn't have to be on all the time and this saves a lot of video tape or hard drive space depending on how the camera saves the video information.

As you can see the humble, hard working motion detector can be used in a variety of ways to help guard your home and family. Why not begin thinking about how you can include them to enhance your own security system today?

Find out more about a home security system and motion detector alarms by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What Kind Of Home Security System Do You Need?

There are several simple and low cost security measures that anyone can put in place around their home to greatly enhance their security. And usually it's a good idea to put some of these common sense measures in place first when you give attention to home security. But after you have done all that you can to reduce the likelihood of someone breaking into your home otherwise, it's a good idea to start seriously thinking about installing a home security system as well, especially if your budget will allow it.

To start with, an alarm system can just consist of sensors that are placed on all the windows and doors that are connected to a main system. When armed, if any of those sensors detect an opened window or door, it alerts the system which begins a countdown of a set number of seconds for the alarm to be deactivated by the owner if returning home, until it sounds a very loud siren to warn of a possible intrusion. This kind of relatively simple alarm system has been in use and proved to be very effective for many years now.

But advancing technology has made other additions and enhancements available that can improve your security level even further.

For instance, now you can add motion detectors to a security system to make it even more effective. By putting motion sensors inside the home, even if the thief manages to bypass the entry sensors, they will still be caught by their movement inside the home and the alarm will be triggered.

Another increasingly popular option is to connect the alarm system to an outside monitoring service that will determine if an alarm being triggered is a real emergency or just a false alarm, and in the case of a real break-in will report that to local law enforcement. Most of the time the connection with this service has been made through regular phone lines, but recently some companies have started using cellular phone service instead. This eliminates the possibility that someone could cut the phone lines in advance and prevent notification of the alarm service, and it also allows alarm monitoring even when the power is out if the security system uses a backup battery in such situations.

Another increasingly popular addition to home security systems is video surveillance of the outside of the home. The low cost of security cameras has made this kind of option more affordable than most would initially believe. By installing small, discreet cameras at strategic locations outside the home, you can monitor what is going on and even record it if you wish. These cameras can also be connected to motion sensitive devices so that they alert you when movement is detected and can begin recording upon being triggered. There are plenty of things that can be done with video cameras to enhance a home security system, but this should give you a few ideas of what is possible though.

So do you need these added security enhancements? As with many questions involving consumer purchases the answer is maybe. If your budget simply doesn't allow for them at this point, then a simple alarm system is certainly better than none at all. But if you can afford to install some of the options mentioned above as well, it can be a good investment that helps promote more peace of mind.

Find out more about a home security system and home security alarm system by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

The Top Advanced Home Security Innovations

Our society is increasingly becoming more and more dependent in technological advances that help improve our everyday life, and the field of home security systems is a good example. Security measures like video surveillance cameras were considered the territory of only businesses and the rich in past years, but today that technology is easily afforded by most homeowners as well.

If a simple, inexpensive alarm system is all that your current budget allows, that is fine and it will certainly enhance your security level over not having one at all. But if you can afford the best security measures that technology can offer there is an ever increasing number of high tech choices that you can make to increase your home security level.

For instance, today it is getting more common to see all-in-one systems that not only monitor your security from a burglary standpoint, but also integrates home fire alarms and medical alarms into the same system. Of course, home security can mean more than just protecting against home intrusion and these sophisticated systems can care for protecting you and your family in the case of almost any emergency that can arise. They are smart enough to detect the difference between a fire, a home intrusion and a medical emergency, and can alert the proper authorities for you in each case. They can even operate in case the power is out for any reason due to having backup batteries and using cell phones to communicate.

Beyond these advanced alarm systems are more high tech means of identification for gaining access to your home or to your computer information. These include fingerprint, voice recognition and eye retinal scanners that have a very high accuracy rate. It is extremely hard to fool these systems and so for those that have highly sensitive or extremely valuable data or possessions that they wish to protect, these technologies are now becoming available to the home security market.

To take it even further, there are detectors that are temperature sensitive and so can sense a subtle change in temperature when someone unauthorized enter a room. Granted this is technology that seems to come straight out of a spy movie, but it is available now for those who feel that their valuables warrant it.

Of course, all of these technological advances are still extremely expensive and would be well beyond the needs of the average homeowner at this point. But the prices on these products are consistently falling and will no doubt become more commonplace as time goes on.

In the meantime they are available even now for those who can afford them and for those who have special and sophisticated home security needs.

Find out more about a home security system and home security services by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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The Top 5 Home Security System Components

Advancing technology is making more and more sophisticated home security equipment available to the average person to help them keep their home and family safe and secure. There are a lot of choices to make when setting up a good home security system plan, and here are some of the top security system components that should be considered as you do:

1. Having a basic alarm system that is triggered when someone opens an outside door or window is a great start, but there are ways for experienced burglars to get around such a system. So a very good secondary line of defense in case of a break-in is having motion detectors installed in every room of the home. They can be located in one of the ceiling corners so they are not obtrusive and can have a good view of the entire room. If you are way from home, these are great tools to detect a home intrusion because of the motion inside the house and sound the alarm as needed.

2. Alarm system monitoring services are another significant upgrade to the standard home alarm system. A monitoring service will be connected to your alarm by phone line and if the alarm is triggered they will first attempt to contact you as the homeowner on a predetermined phone number to be sure that the alarm has not been accidentally set off. If they cannot get you they call the local law enforcement to investigate the situation.

3. Adding video cameras to your home alarm system is another great upgrade that can keep you well-informed on all that is going on outside your home at all times. Surveillance video cameras have become so small and durable that they can now be placed outside the home at the most important spots and even be equipped with motion detectors that will sense when movement is taking place in it's protected area. It can then notify you if you are home or just turn on a video recorder to capture the activity if you are absent.

4. A home safe is another valuable home security component. If for some reason thieves do manage to get past all of your security system defenses, a home safe can thwart all their efforts. Burglars do not want to spend a lot of time inside a home as every minute that they are inside increases the possibility that they can be detected and apprehended for their crime. A well placed and solidly installed home safe makes all the hard work and effort that they will have to go through to get into it much harder to justify, and so often prevents the theft of your most valuable possessions.

5. Including other monitoring systems along with your home security system can be very valuable for peace of mind too. Often companies can hook in a fire alarm system to the main alarm too, and if the fire alarm is triggered the appropriate fire station will be notified. Personal and medical alarms can be integrated this way too and that can be especially valuable for those with severe health problems and the elderly who live alone.

Considering these home security components when you either buy or upgrade your existing home security system can enhance your overall home security plans.

Find out more about a home security system and home security alarms by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Home Security - Protection For The Whole Family

These days, one of the most worrying things in people's life is security. With the increase in population of the cities, everybody tries to get protection any way they can. That makes more and more people look for home security systems. You can find an enormous variety of private security machines. Modern technology helps to keep people safe in their homes, avoiding thieves and other types of crime.

Alarms are the widest used device in homes with security systems. They consist of a system of sensors connected to a control unit that, in turn, is connected to a means of announcing the alarm, to hopefully get a response. There are a lot of different types of alarms. You can find safety alarms, intrusion alarms and fire alarms. Some are dedicated to only one mission, others can be and multi-function alarms, that are simultaneously intrusion, fire and safety.

Sophistication ranges from small and compact alarms to complicated and colored displayed ones.

Fire detectors are quite simple. You can find three types of them. The ones that react to high temperatures and fast temperature rise, the ones that react to the light spectrum of flames and the ones that react to smoke or chemical products.

The burglar (intrusion) detectors can be of two different classes: point detectors and area detectors. With point detectors you must pick a specific point where intrusion should be indicated. Area detectors indicate intrusion of a protected area, and usually use ultrasonic technology for that.

Safety sensors are more complicated and sophisticated, because they are supposed to react to a lot of different danger situations at the same time, such as: gates and valves open or closed, low oxygen concentrations, excessively high or low temperatures and excessive carbon monoxide (or other toxic gas) concentrations.

With modern electronic devices, alarm responses are no longer human. Depending on the time, the zone triggered and the number and sequence of zones, the system can call the ambulance, can call the police, the fire department, or the property manager. That is a huge advance in home security. The biggest problem with alarms and cameras was that they always needed a human response in order to be useful, but with this new technology, house owners can be more relaxed because the system is capable of calling for help if he is not able to.

Cameras are also a widely used mechanism in home security. Nowadays you find them all around public and private properties. In homes, people usually put them at the entrance of the house and install a monitor inside to see who is outside knocking on the door or trying to get in.

All these electronic devices are quite expensive. The technology used in these systems is quite sophisticated and complex. But it is also possible to find not so sophisticated and expensive alarms and cameras, so if you don't have a lot of money to spend on home security and want to keep your house safe from intrusions and other dangers, don't think twice.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Home Security

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