Home Alarm System


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Home Security: Protecting You and Your Home

Today, people just aren't safe without some form of home security. Whether you live in a busy apartment complex or a big house in the country, a home-security system goes a long way to protecting both you and your home. With a home-security system you can be prepared for unexpected medical emergencies and be protected from unwanted home intrusions. Yet, there are other precautions you can take in terms of security to keep your house and belongings safe. Let's take a look at some of the suggested precautions below.

First, one of the biggest errors you can make in terms of home security is, in fact, not properly securing your home. For instance, if you have broken window latches, broken door latches, or other ways a thief can enter your home, chances are they will jump on the opportunity to do so. Further, in warm weather, if you leave your windows open, don't think that a screen is going to keep a thief out of your home. Therefore, when you go out, be sure that you not only have good locks on everything, but that you actually lock up everything before you leave.

Secondly, whatever you do, if you make a spare key for your house, your garage, or your shed, do not stash that key at the location. Thieves know where to look for spare keys and with those they find, they then gain easy access to your belongings. Thus, to keep your home secure, you should always make spare keys and carry them with you or give your spare keys to a trusted relative that you can get in touch with, in the event that you lose your keys.

Third, if you think it is safe to leave your house unlocked when you have a big dog in your front yard, think again. Thieves know how to distract your animal to gain access to your home. Just because you have a huge dog in the front yard doesn't mean your home is safe. Therefore, to keep your home secure, you definitely must practice locking everything up at all times. The hassle of locking your belongings up is a far smaller hassle than having your belongings stolen from you.

Fourthly, do you think all of those big trees and shrubbery in your yard gives you excellent privacy. That's all well and good, but bear in mind that it also gives thieves a nice, private avenue to sneak up on your property and rob your home while you are away. Thieves don't like robbing homes that are close to other locations and easily visible to neighbors on all sides. Keep this in mind when planning your landscaping - it could mean the difference between a secure and unsecured home.

Finally, along with a home security system, a few simple measures can help you keep your house secure. Planning ahead when you go out and making sure you lock up everything tightly is part and parcel of securing your home. In the end, your extra measures may protect you and your belongings - an important step.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Home Security

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Effective Home Security When You Are Away

If you put yourself in the mind of a burglar, when is the most opportune time to break into a home with little chance of being interrupted? Of course, it's when the homeowner is away from home for an extended stay. It could be when you are on a vacation, or just out of town on business for a few days, but your absense is a welcome sign for an intruder.

So how do you protect your home while you are away? It is imperative that you don't give the impression to the casual observer that noone has been home in a few days. When burglars investigate a neighborhood that looks promising they are specifically looking for such an easy target. So, if you are away, you must make arrangements to make it look like you are still at home. There are lots of things that you can do to help make your home and property safe when noone is there, but let's discuss just a few here:

1. Talk to your neighbors, friends or relatives and ask them to pick up the newspaper and mail for you while you are gone. This is usually not a problem as they will likely ask that you do the same for them when they are away. If for some reason, that is not possible though, at least stop delivery of both your mail and newspaper while you are away.

2. Ask your neighbors to park their car in your driveway in plain sight while you are gone. Again, you want to make it look to the casual observer that someone is around the house and it is therefore too risky to to try to break in.

3. Ask someone to stop by your home in the evenings and turn on some lights for you. If your neighbors are very cooperative, maybe they could turn them on and off for you at random times. If you feel hesitant about this for any reason, there is another alternative that works well too. You can purchase inexpensive timers that connect to lights in your home and will automatically turn them on and off at preselected times. The best automated solution though is to use a system that selects random times for turning on and off lights and the TV and perhaps other appliances as well, so the inside activities appear more natural if someone is keeping a close watch on the home.

4. If you live in a cold weather area, make sure that someone will shovel snow away from your driveway and walkway while you are away in the wintertime. Nothing screams that a home is vacant more than snow that has sat for a few days with no marks or footrpints in it.

The best solutions for home security is actually prevention of the crime itself, so taking a few measures like the ones mentioned above can be very important steps in keeping your home secure.

Find out more about home security alarms and home security products by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Smart Home Security Measures For Your Windows

Of all of the spots where your home is most vulnerable to intrusion during a burglary, the doors and windows are the most important areas to keep secure. They are potentially easy entry and exit points for the home, and burglars are very experienced in using ways to gain access through them. As a homeowner you want to give advance thought to their vulnerability and take steps to make it more difficult to break in through them. This article will deal with the subject of securing your windows.

One of the most important considerations regarding windows is the kind of glass that is used in them. If it is standard single pane glass, it will be very easy to break and the window will present a real security risk. Oftentimes, older home will have this kind of glass in the windows, so it would be good to put upgrading the glass in your windows on your list of things that need to be done to update the house, and do it as soon as you can.

Windows now come with glass that is hardened, much like your car windshield glass, and it is very hard to break them. And an added layer of protection is provided when you have double-pane glass of this type installed as it makes it that much harder to get through both panes, and a great side benefit is that it will also help with insulating your home better. Also pay attention to the quality of the window frames too. They need to be made of strong material that cannot be easily taken apart or destroyed by a crowbar or some other similar tool.

Installing locks on windows is a great home security improvement. Many homes have locks that are nothing more than levers that can be easily flipped by someone inside the home. The problem is that they can also be easily unlocked if someone does manage to get through the glass and gain access to them. It is best to have locks that require a key to activate instead. It makes getting the window open so much more difficult, and burglars don't like to have too many obstacles in their path when breaking in. Stealth and speed are essential to their successful burglary, so the more that you do to slow them down the less chance they will be able to complete the job.

Finally, a good alarm system that monitors not only the doors but the windows of your home is a great home security tool as well. If the burglar somehow gets past all of the other security features and manages to get the window open, the alarm that sounds will usually be enough to foil the intrusion attempt at that point.

Windows can contribute to the beauty and enjoyment of your home, and if you take the proper security measures they can also provide a great deal of security as well.

Find out more about home security alarm and home security video system by visiting our Home Security Review website

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Home Security Practices When Buying A New Home

There are lots of things to take care of when you buy a new home and often home security is an issue that many do not think of until it's too late. A new home purchase could be a home that is brand new, in which case security measures will be easier to implement, but many times the home has already had inhabitants and security becomes even more important in that case.

If the home is being built and you still have input into the options that are installed, be sure to select a good home security alarm system and have it professionally installed as the house is built. There are plenty of options when it comes to a home security system, so read up on them and select one that has the level of features that makes you feel comfortable. Adding a monitoring service can be a good investment too, so ask around and see what good receommendations that you get for such a service in your area as the quality of some services can vary considerably from one locale to another.

If the home has already been inhabited and you are purchasing it from someone else, there are some very important security measures that you want to be sure to take as you gain occupancy of the home. The most important are the locks on all of the outside doors. It is a good practice to change every lock that can be accessed from outside when you take up residence. The previous owner could have hidden a key to an outside door and then forgot about it, or the key may have even been stolen or lost and has fallen into the wrong hands. At any rate, it is a risk that should not be taken. Having all of the locks changed as you move in is an investment in peace of mind, and don't forget the windows either. If they use locks that have keys, you might as well change them too while you are at it. If the windows do not have locks at all, now is the time to install them and make sure that the windows cannot be opened wide enough to allow entry by someone climbing through them.

As soon as you move in, go around and introduce yourself to your neighbors. Let them see you and get to know who you and your family are so if they see someone else snooping outside your house they won't just assume that it is one of your family. Offer to watch their property too, and if there is a neighborhood watch program, be sure to take part in it. These kind of programs can be a very effective crime prevention method.

Usually home inspections are made before property is exhanged to be sure that all is in working order, but ask the inspector to be sure that the fire alarms and gas and electric appliances are in good working order and do not present a safety hazard before you move in. And also inspect your washing machine hose for leaks and cracking as this often causes home floods that are potentially very expensive.

These simple precautions can have a dramatic impact on helping make your new home more safe and secure.

Find out more about home security alarm systems and home security acameras by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Common Home Security Mistakes That You Can Avoid

Spending time in advance to think about ways to keep your home more secure is a wise investment in time and energy, as what could be more important than the physical safety of you and your family, and the protection of your home? Unfortunately, many often do not give much thought to home security measures and that just simply makes them and their home an appealing target for intruders. Here are some things that you can do to help safe up your home and avoid a home invasion in advance.

One of the most vulnerable times for burglarization is when you leave home for an extended period. It could be for a vacation or business or other matters, but if you will be away for a few days, make sure that your home does not appear to be unoccupied during that time. Neighbors, friends and relatives can be a big help by stopping by and checking on the home for you, picking up your mail and newspapers so they aren't left unattended and pile up outside. When burglars go through a neighborhood to select a home in advance, they are specifically looking for telltale signs of a home that is unoccupied. It means that their chances of breaking in and not being caught are much better. So do all that you can to give the appearance that you are still around even when you are away.

Another bad practice that many have is leaving notes on the front door while they are away, or putting out a blanket email to all of their contacts that says that they will be out of town during a certain period of time, or maybe even leaving a recorded message to that effect on the home answering machine. You should never announce your extended absense to anyone that you don't know very well as this can be a huge home security risk.

It's even a good idea to keep your daily schedule as varied as possible and somewhat of a secret even if you aren't away. Burglars look for clues that will tell them when you usually are not around, and that will be the time they select to break in. If you seem to come and go at random, unpredictable times though, that presents a much higher risk that they can be caught while the burglary is in progress.

Another home security risk presents itself evn when you are home. It has to do with who you allow inside your home. It is important to be careful not to allow entry inside the home to someone that you have not requested in advance. Oftentimes smart burglars can make it seem that they have been sent by the electric company or some other utility to take care of a problem in your home. Once inside they may distract you and steal something valuable, or just look the place over carefully in order to be abale to stage a successful burglary later on. So be sure to know the credentials of every person who enters your home and do not allow entry to anyone who can't prove that they have a good reason for being there.

These simple and efffective daily security precautions can be very effective in preventing burglary in advance.

Find out more about home security alarm systems and wireless home security by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Home Security How You Can Help the Police Before Your Property is Stolen.

Welcome back to part 7, if you have implemented the recommendations we have made so far you will have gone a long way toward protecting your home. Nobody can promise that you will not fall victim to a thief, so in this article I want to give you a few tips on how you can help the police retrieve your goods if it should be stolen.

Make an inventory of your property.

Keep a list of your processions in a secure place, perhaps in a safe deposit box or with a friend, this will help the police if you do have a burglary, and it will also help to support a claim if you have a house fire or some other kind of loss.

The better the job you do on the property inventory the more help it will be. Now that digital cameras are readily available take pictures of all the rooms in your home and their contents. In case of a loss by fire or flood etc. it will help you in your claim with your insurance provider.

On your property list, show, which room the goods, were in. Describe the article as fully as feasible; include the manufacturer model number, size, color, and the material the article is made of as well as its price. It is also a good idea to include damage marks, repairs, etc because these are unique to your things.

Mark your goods with your Post Code, your Drivers License Number or some other number that is exclusive to you but do not use your Social Security number! Properly marked property is hard for a burglar to sell on to someone else, and it makes it easier to trace them back to you.

Always mark your assets by engraving in an area that cannot be simply removed and is not in plain sight, if you cannot engrave the thing use a permanent marker or an ultra violet pen. Some items are not suitable for marking and this is where a digital or video camera comes into its own.

Now that you have a catalogue of your property make certain you keep it up to date!

Having marked your property make sure that any possible burglar knows about it, a small sticker displayed on doors and windows will do the job. These are generally available from your local police station or crime prevention officer.

Burglary is the most frequent form of theft in the United States; by marking your property you are taking an important step in protecting your home and avoiding the distress that this type of home invasion causes.

In the next part of this series I will be giving you a few dos and don'ts to help you with your personal and home security, see you soon.

Roger Overantout

For more vital home security tips and information about how to protect your home and family please visit www.homesecuritynews.info

You may reproduce this article provided you maintain an active link back to www.homesecuritynews.info

For more vital home security tips and information about how to protect your home and family please visit www.homesecuritynews.info

You may reproduce this article provided you maintain an active link back to www.homesecuritynews.info

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Homeland Security Industry Growth through Consolidation

Homeland Security Firms Evolve and Expand Product Portfolios

By: Ann-Marie Fleming February 2006

In early February, President Bush presented his fiscal year 2007 budget request for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The request for $42.7 billion indicates a 6 percent increase in funding from the 2006 budget.

Elaborating on the priorities of the FY 2007 budget request, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff explained in a recent press conference, "The budget focuses on strengthening our initiatives in protecting our borders, increasing our preparedness, expanding our intelligence gathering and sharing, and improving maritime and transportation security."

This bodes well for companies operating in this arena, in particular those with technology surrounding surveillance, detection and identification products to assist in meeting the needs of border, port and transportation security and overall homeland security readiness.

Defense sector correspondent James H. Smith in his weekly column, "The Defense Market Report"(exclusive HDS feature), explains, M&A activity continued to be the strategic weapon of choice for companies wanting to move decisively into desirable market niches. Top acquirers used M&A activity to drive their top lines far past the levels achievable through organic growth alone. With an estimated US$38 billion in worldwide M&A activity in the aerospace and defense sectors, 2005 was a very good year. And the current year also looks promising."

As the homeland security industry continues to establish itself as a long term market, many anticipate M&A activity to become more prevalent. Scott Sacknoff, manager of the SPADE? Defense Index (AMEX: ^DXS) describes, "The homeland security market is ripe for consolidation. With so many companies offering single solutions and products, we can expect a number of acquisitions in the homeland security market in the coming years as firms seek to offer a portfolio of security options under one roof."

Building product portfolios has become a necessary strategy for many firms working to address the growing needs within the homeland security arena. Dore Perler, CEO of Sense Holdings, Inc (OTCBB: SEHO) explains, "Today's terrorist activities are a global religious and political phenomenon encompassing a broad spectrum of national security threats. These threats range from a lone aggressor covertly gaining access to a national infrastructure asset, all the way to a organized large-scale conspiracy by a number of well-financed suicidal fanatics. The ubiquitous utilization of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) introduces a particularly difficult challenge to security forces throughout the world. The only effective way to simultaneously confront all of these security threats is by the intelligent application of high technology."

"Sense believes that the solution to this problem requires the mass-deployment of security systems integrating Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Biometric Identification and Micro Electromechanical Sensors (MEMS). These Sensors, or electronic noses, are designed to detect infinite amounts of explosives, chemical warfare agents (CWA), biological warfare agents (BWA) and last, but not least, narcotics. Sense is dynamically involved and committed to the development, integration and deployment of all of these technologies," concludes Perler.

Sniffex, Inc. (OTC.PK: SNFX), a developer of a lightweight handheld distance weapon and explosives detection device explains their strategy for being able to expand their offerings, "As the expenditures for homeland defense continue to grow, the customers that we sell to through our worldwide Representative network are asking for more and more products to sell to their existing customer base. There is a huge demand around the world for products and services that can be used as a tool in fighting terror and crime. We believe that if one or our Representatives is selling Sniffex, they should be selling every other great tool in the arsenal of products and services for fighting crime."

Technest Holdings, Inc (OTCBB: TCNH) has been focused on diversifying their product base for many years to be able to target a variety of the nation's security needs. As Robert Tarini, CEO of Technest describes, "Although significant progress has been made against terrorism in the foreign arenas of Iraq and Afghanistan by our combat troops, many security problems remain unresolved domestically here in the US, in our cities, federal infrastructures and borders. Many of these security problems will be solved by innovative technologies that can be delivered by fast and nimble companies with the ability to address multiple problems through a portfolio of solutions such as Technest Holdings."

As the definition of homeland security has shifted to the concept of global security, the diversity and complexity of security and defense needs continues to grow. As a result, companies have had to evolve and expand with many firms understanding the strength of being able to solve multiple needs through further R&D of existing products and by adding new technology to their portfolios through partnerships, mergers and acquisitions.

Ann-Marie Fleming Ann-Marie Fleming completed her MBA in the United States, where she attended Webster University. She also holds an Honors B.A from the University of Toronto. She has over fifteen years of experience within the financial industry to include retail banking and brokerage, investment banking, and mortgage brokerage within the United States and Canada, with a firm background in corporate research. Disclaimer: www.InvestorIdeas.com/About/Disclaimer.asp, www.HomelandDefenseStocks.com/Companies/HomelandDefense/Disclaimer.asp

Ann-Marie Fleming completed her MBA in the United States, where she attended Webster University. She also holds an Honors B.A from the University of Toronto. She has over fifteen years of experience within the financial industry to include retail banking and brokerage, investment banking, and mortgage brokerage within the United States and Canada, with a firm background in corporate research.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Home Protection, What your security system may not detect!!

In many cases, most people feel pretty secure with a basic/standard home security system, but with today's criminals/robbers its shocking to know how many of them know there way around a security system. There are a couple of small inexpensive things you can do for you and your family that may prevent that awful robbery.

A. Window Alert is home security device that attaches to windows and set off by vibrations if someone tries to break through. Installs easily on any window, There is so many cases that robbers use there window cutting device that can not be detected from a basic Security system. This little window alarm was an essential in saving the millions of lives that were threatened by a robber. B. A Home Security Device such as the Watchdog is ideal for home protection, because it accomplishes what even the best living, breathing watchdog cannot do. Rex's electronic radar eyes, the Electronic Watch Dog Home Security Device can "see" through thick doors, walls and glass. And once his cord is plugged in, he'll stay on duty around the clock, indefinitely. The Electronic Watch Dog Home Security Device can protect homes, apartments, mobile homes, RV's, jewelry stores, factories, warehouses, public and private buildings of virtually every kind. For example, most apartment complexes do not have a security system in the apartment units. You only go in good faith that the apartment is safe. Rex, the electronic watch dog, what an easy solution to cure a robbery scare.

* Barking gets louder and more frequent as the intruder gets closer. * Switches from the watchdog to the tranquil sounds of nature with the simple switch of a button. * Variable distance sensitivity (up to 30') as well as volume control. * Supplements your regular home security system by detecting robbers before they attempt to break into your home.

C. A Nightmare Situation There are preventive solutions!!! 1. The Big Jammer is a home security device that is a strong 20 gauge steel adjustable door brace that installs easily under door knobs and provides added security. Adjusts easily to fit most hinged doors. End caps can be removed to allow for use on sliding glass doors as well. Clean, baked enamel finish makes it attractive for in-house use. 2. The base of the alarm is bolted to door or window frame, the actuator is connected to the window or door. The alarm is activated by opening the door or window. Great for any door particularly those hard to protect sliding glass doors.

Mr. Green - Self Defense - Home Protection at Self Defense - Home Protection

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Home Security Tips For Those On A Budget

We all want to make sure that our homes, and especially our loved ones are safe and secure. It's one of the basic needs and desires of people almost everywhere around the world. And home security is a field where many things can be implemented to help reach your goal of safety for your home and family. Some home security plans can be very expensive, and the more tools in your security arsenal the better. But there are many inexpensive security choices that can be made as well.

For instance, a burglar alarm system does not have to be very expensive to raise the safety level in your home. A simple alarm system that sounds a loud noise when activated can be very effective on it's own since burglars do not like loud noises and certainly don't want attention being brought to what they are doing. Simple alarm systems that can be found online can also be installed by the homeowner as well, also significantly reducing the overall cost of home security. If you wish to include an outside monitoring service, the cost is usually around $10 a month which is very reasonable, but it's entirely a personal choice.

Simple, low-cost motion detectors that trigger outside lights at night can be very effective in increasing home security and yet not cost very much. Many homeowners can actually install these themselves too and avoid the installation fee.

A particularly effective and yet no-cost method of home security is a neighborhood watch program. A simple agreement between neighbors to actively watch and keep an eye out for each others properties can make burglars avoid that area altogether simply because the riak of getting spotted is too high for the potential rewards that they may gain from the burglary.

And finally, something as simple as a watchdog can be a red flag to burglars that breaking into your home will not be easy and it will most certainly draw unwanted attention due to the dog barking or even possibly biting them as they try to go about their business. Watchdogs are particularly effective pets for security because they tend to be very territorial and they defend their home and family, often to the death. Of course, having a dog that barks all of time is not going to be good for either you or your neighbors, so make sure that the dog is well trained and only barks when a perceived threat is suspected. That way if the dog is barking unusually long and hard it will be a notification for everyone in earshot that an intruder may be nearby.

Most of these ideas are very low cost, and some don't cost anything. But putting them into practice can help raise the home security around your house right away.

Jim Johnson writes on many consumer related topics including home security. You can find out more about home security by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

5 Easy Things You Can Do To Improve Home Security Right Now

Oftentimes when thinking about improving home security, many people start immediately focusing on electronic devices like security systems, alarms, cameras, and so forth. And to be sure, all of those products have a role to play in a high quality home security plan. But actually there are some very simple things that anyone can do to raise the security level in and around their home with very little cost and effort. And here is our list of 5 things that can help make your home more secure right away:

1. If you happen to be one of those folks who likes to leave a key to the front door of your house hidden under your doormat, or over the door frame, or within easy reach of your front door, you are just inviting a home break-in and making it easy for the burglar. Experienced burglars know that lots of people hide the key to the front door in close proximity to the door to make it more convenient for them to get in when they forget their key for some reason. So they just check around the front door area and can often come up with easy entry into your home in a very short period of time by doing so. Its not a good idea to hide your key outside at all therefore, but if you must, at least hide it a good distance away from the front door where no one would think to look.

2. One of the other most common ways that burglars can gain easy access to your home is through an open or unlocked window. This just makes it way too easy for them. So if you happen to be one of those folks who loves to have your windows open, at least install safety locks that will only allow them to be open part of the way and not enough for someone to be able to climb through. And when you are away from the house, it's best to have the windows shut and locked at all times.

3. Just drive down almost any street and you will find houses that have trees and large shrubs up next to the house where someone could hide. That is a bad safety strategy, and it would be good for you to go outside and look at your home from the standpoint of an intruder. How easy is it to get close to your home without being seen? Can someone gain access to upper floors of the home by climbing a nearby tree? If you spot possible hiding places close to the house, do whatever is necessary to eliminate that danger. Prevention is your best protection in this area.

4. Many home intrusions take place at night simply because darkness helps conceal suspicious behavior. So bright lights are an intruder's worst enemy. In view of that, some well-placed motion detection lights can do wonders for your home security. They are cheap and simple to install, and can be very effective in preventing break-ins.

5. If you have nice possessions, like an expensive car, keep it in the garage. Try to do as little as possible to attract attention to any pricey posserssions that you may have. Burglars would rather invest their time and energy in homes that promise a good payday as opposed to those where they can't really tell much about what is inside. So keep windows covered so that it is hard to see inside, and use shades at night to keep others from looking inside your home to see what valuables are there.

All of these ideas are very simple and easy to implement, but together they can raise your home security level right away.

Jim Johnson writes on many consumer related topics including home security. You can find out more about home security by visiting our Home Security Review website

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Home Security Tips To Help Protect You And Your Family

Crime is unfortunately a part of life, and no matter where you live you can find yourself a victim of home intrusion. However, you can put into practice suggestions that can greatly reduce your odds of being the victim of an intruder. When it comes to home security, prevention is your strongest protection. So what are some ways to help secure your home now?

Well, one of the most vulnerable spots for intrusion in your home are the windows. It's amazing how many people leave them open, even when they are away from the home. Even if they are shut and locked, can the glass be easily broken? Some window glass is extremely hard and resistant to breaking, and it would be good to have that kind of glass in your windows. Also be sure to have locks on the windows so there can be no easy entry, and make sure that those locks are not picked easily as well.

If you have a glass door, this is a particularly vulnerable area and should contain reinforced hardened glass that is extremely difficult to break. The doors also should have locks that are secure and hard to pick.

One of the simplest and most effective home security options is to just have a dog as a pet. Especially a good watchdog. Burglars and intruders want to have an easy entry and exit, and dogs can foil all of that. An intruder also doesn't like to have attention brought to what they are doing by a dog's loud, incessant barking. And if the dog is big enough, they certainly don't want to get bitten. So a well-trained dog can be a real ally in protecting your home.

Having a home security system that is monitored by an outside service is another great idea. But it's even better to take it one step further and make sure that you have a backup power supply for the alarm, so if the electricity is cut off for any reason you can still activate the alarm and get law enforcement to your door quickly.

There are many other ways to improve home security but these ideas should be able to get you off to a good start on improving the security in and around your own home.

Jim Johnson writes on many consumer related topics including home security. You can find out more about home security alarms by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Neighborhood Watch Programs And Increased Home Security

Home security is a subject that is on the minds of many people. Some neighborhoods just attract home intrusions as well, particularly homes where the burglar can count on usually finding something of value that will make the risk of breaking in worth it. Often these kind of homes are found fairly close together and so a neighborhood can easily become a target for burglars.

However, there is an extremely effective tool in fighting this kind of illegal activity, and it has been proven to work many times over in one neighborhood after another. That tool is a neighborhood watch program. You may ask, just what is a neighborhood watch program? Well simply put, it is a cooperative effort on the part of neighbors in a particular area or on a street to pool their efforts together to track any suspicious activity that may be taking place in their neighborhood to try to prevent burglaries in the first place.

Why do these neighborhood watch programs work so well? Think about it from the aspect of the burglar. They usually like to scope out an area or house before making the burglary. They also like to have an easy and quick entry and exit with little likelihood of being seen or observed as they go about their business. A neighborhood watch program represents a serious threat to all of that.

If a neighborhood is on high alert to suspicious outsiders, they find it very hard to be able to do any advance surveillance of a home without someone reporting them and having to deal with law enforcement. And that also lessens the chance that they can get in and out of a home in that area without someone noticing what they are doing. It often just isn't worth the obvious risk to the burglar and so they move on to a different area where the opportunity for success is much higher instead.

Now it is important to note that just simply putting up signs in the area saying that a neighborhood watch is in effect is not enough. The neighbors have to actually actively participate in the program to make it effective. And once the word gets around that a neighborhood is watching and protecting it's own, usually the crime there drops significantly.

So if your area has been hit hard by burglars consider forming a neighborhood watch program to enhance home secuirty for everyone in that area.

Jim Johnson writes on many consumer related topics including home security. You can find out more about home security alarms by visiting our Home Security Review website.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Emergence of the Department of Homeland Security

In the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, our nation's leaders began to realize the full extent of potential threats to our national security that exist both internally and abroad. This newfound realization has resulted in the prioritization of security measures that are designed to circumvent catastrophic events of this magnitude. In order to avoid future lapses of national security and combine the resources and communication protocols of various agencies, the Department of Homeland Security was created.

The need for one U.S. government agency that could oversee the administration of the many independent intelligence gathering entities was apparent in the post 9/11 aftermath. Vital information that was gathered through various investigative sources was deemed inconsequential of its own merit. Putting this information into the overall scope of events that led up to the catastrophe of 9/11, it was apparent that the disaster might have been avoided had some organization been able to put all the warning signs together into one cohesive picture. In order for that to become a feasible reality by which we could avoid future tragedies, intelligence sharing and unilateral cooperation would be necessary.

The creation of the Department of Homeland Security was announced on September 20th, shortly after 9/11. Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge was appointed as director and was charged with the task of coordinating the nation's intelligence gathering agencies and the overall efforts to prevent future terrorist attacks. Since that time, a great deal of changes to our nation's intelligence community have taken place. New positions have been created for the management of intelligence resources. Additional U.S. intelligence agents have been trained and are currently working in the field. Intelligence gathering and reporting methods have been updated to reflect the growing need for inter-agency cooperation.

In addition to creating new positions in intelligence and in the IT, human resources and administrative sections of the Department of Homeland Security, local and national law enforcement and emergency management personnel have been trained in emergency preparedness procedures designed for large scale events such as those of September 11th.

Hopefully, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security will ensure that we are never again faced with such a devastating loss of life.

To learn how to earn a degree in omeland security visit http://www.degreesinhomelandsecurity.com/ To earn a degree in any feild visit http://www.searchforclasses.com

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Home Wireless Network Security Issues

Home Wireless Network Security Issues by Greg Lietz of http://about-wireless-internet.com

Running a business from home has its advantages, including no commute, a more accommodating work schedule, fresh coffee and home-cooked meals at any time you want.

But running a business from home using a home wireless local area network (WLAN) with your computer may lead to thievery of confidential information and hacker or virus penetration unless proper actions are taken. As WLANs send information back and forth over radio waves, someone with the right type of receiver in your immediate area could be picking up the transmission, thus acquiring access to your computer.

Here is a list of things that you should consider as a result of implementing a home wireless network setup used your business:

Viruses could be loaded onto your laptop which could be transferred to the company's network when you go back to work.

Up to 75 per cent of home wireless network WLAN users do not have standard security features installed, and 20 per cent are left completely open as default configurations and are not secured, but are made for the users to have their network up and running ASAP.

It is recommended that home wireless network router/access point system setups be always done though a wired client.

Always change the default administrative password on your home wireless network router/access points to a secured password.

Enable at least 128-bit WEP encryption on both card and access point. Change your WEP keys periodically. If equipment does not support at least 128-bit WEP encryption, consider replacing it. Although there are security issues with WEP, it represents minimum level of security, and it should be enabled.

Change the default SSID on your router/access point to a hard to guess name. Setup your computer device to connect to this SSID by default.

Setup router/access points so as to not broadcast the SSID. The same SSID needs to be setup on the client side manually. This feature may not be available on all equipment.

Setup your home wireless network router to block anonymous internet requests or pings.

On each computer having a wireless network card, network connection properties should be configured to allow connection to Access Point Networks Only. Computer to computer (peer to peer) connections should not be allowed.

Enable MAC filtering. Deny connection to wireless network for unspecified MAC addresses. MAC or physical addresses are accessible through your computer device wireless network connection setup and they are physically written on network cards. When adding new wireless cards / computer to the network, their MAC addresses should be registered with the router /access point.

Your home wireless network router should have firewall features enabled and demilitarized zone (DMZ) feature disabled. Periodically test your hardware and personal firewalls using Shields Up test available at http://www.grc.com. All computers should have a properly configured personal firewall in addition to a hardware firewall.

Update router/access point firmware when new versions become available.

Locate router/access points away from strangers so they cannot reset the router/access point to default settings. Also, locate router/access points in the middle of the building rather than near windows to limit signal coverage outside the building.

You should know that nothing is 100%. While none of the actions suggested above will provide full 100% protection, countermeasures do exist that will help. The good collection of suggested preventative actions contained herein can help you deter an intruder trying to access your home wireless network. This deterrant then makes other insecure networks easier targets for the intruder to persue.

Greg Lietz is an internet business man, freelance writer and computer enthusiast. His websites provide information on wireless internet networking and personal computer hardware that may be of interest to you.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Homeland Security Equipment - Gas Masks

Homeland security is the number one goal for the United States Government and should be the goal for all of it's citizens. The deadly attacks on Sept. 11 and the recent London bombings have highlighted the importance of safety and security throughout the world. The homeland security threat level has been raised to elevated status by Texas homeland security department. As per the Texas homeland security department the elevated level is defined as:

There is a significant risk of terrorist attacks. In addition to the actions recommended under lower threat levels, agencies should consider:

* Increasing surveillance of critical infrastructure and significant locations.
* Coordinating emergency plans as appropriate with nearby jurisdictions.
* Assessing and disseminating information and warnings as appropriate.

Emergency preparedness was discussed elaborately on National Public Radio (NBR) and was emphasized that safety equipment like gas masks need to be procured by every citizen of the United States and be prepared for any disaster from future terrorist attacks. They also mentioned that it is time for people to consider these warnings seriously and an action plan to safeguard themselves and their loved ones need to be formulated.

There are a number of products available on the market to protect you and your family from unexpected attacks on your safety, including products like gas masks that could be specified as Homeland Security equipment. Whether you are facing an intrusion of your privacy or a terrorist attack directed at your workplace, there are products available from fire safety equipment, gas masks to surveillance equipment which can provide an extra layer of protection. Even when your home may be insured against damage, insurance will not protect your health in the event of a fire. Even though you may never need to reach for the fire extinguisher, it is always safer to have it on hand in the event of an emergency.

Gas masks can provide you safety in the event of a breach of homeland security, such as a chemical or biological attack. They can also be used in industrial and agricultural environments in which there are a large number of airborne pollutants. When you need protection for both your eyes and respiratory system, consider the gas masks which has been approved by the EU and NATO as a personal protection device.

There are surveillance equipment like video surveillance equipment which would help guard your premises and aid you further in improving your safety and security. You may also look into audio surveillance equipment such as our phone line analyzer to ensure that your data transfers and conversations are protected. Homeland Security and the related products can help you take action to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones.

More information about of gas masks and how they work is at Gas masks and to learn more about homeland security equipment visit Homeland Security Equipment

Andy Jones -Media Relations,
Namebrands Retail LLC
Best safety Apparel
Ezine articles expert author

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Employment Opportunities In Homeland Security On The Rise

Homeland security has become much more than an often used catch phrase for describing national, regional, state and local efforts to eliminate the threat of terrorism. The expenditures that collectively make up the U.S. homeland security budget are now a substantial portion of our federal spending. State and local spending for homeland security related measures has also risen proportionately. One result of this spending and it's increasingly prominent portion of our gross national budget can be seen in the availability of positions that are related to homeland security.

From local law enforcement to the administrative levels of the Department of Homeland Security itself, new positions have been created for the express purpose of meeting the nations ever expanding demand for qualified personnel in this field. Unprecedented growth for homeland security related employment opportunities is expected for the next several years, as the complete development of the protocols that will serve as an integrated national security policy are implemented and fully realized. The availability of non-federal homeland security positions has dramatically increased for state and local governments, municipalities, townships and private industry. Emergency preparedness for every conceivable event, from disasters to data loss, has become a major industry in the last few years.

Unquestionably, the lack of properly trained personnel to fill the specialized positions that have arisen from this new source of employment is of great concern. While upper echelon management positions are often appointed, there are several administrative and non-supervisory positions which will need to be filled. The efforts of all levels of intelligence gathering and law enforcement personnel must be collected, coordinated and culminated into an efficient working database that can be accessed by the various agencies that are responsible for our nation's security. The orchestration of a task of this magnitude is massive in scale and will require a substantial labor force. To learn how to earn a degree in homeland security visit http://www.degreesinhomelandsecurity.com/ To earn a degree in any feild visit http://www.searchforclasses.com

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Is Your Home Security System Protecting You

Home Security Systems

Monitoring your home security system has never been easier but there are several things you need to consider before committing yourself to a long term monitoring agreement with any alarm company.

Alarm companies don't make the majority of their profit from selling security systems; it comes from accumulating a large base of alarm-monitoring contracts. If fact, these monitoring contracts are so profitable that they are frequently bought and sold like mortgage notes.

Tip #1 Ask if they are an authorized alarm dealer or represent a marketing company. Marketing companies have learned to flood a market with fantastic offers on security systems with the sole purpose of selling the contracts at a profit. They often use any sub-contractor available, which can lead to poor customer service once the marketing company leaves town.

Once you find a reputable alarm company, ask them to come out to your home and give you a quote. You'll find that most will quote you a basic security system at a reasonable price. These basic security systems generally include a control panel, keypad, motion detector, a couple of door contacts, inside siren, a yard sign and warning decals.

Tip #2 Make sure the equipment can be monitored by any alarm company, not by just the one selling it to you. If they use proprietary security equipment, you could be left in a bind should you become dissatisfied with their service for any reason. Ademco, DSC, & Caddx are well known manufacturers and can be monitored by any one.

Some companies offer a low installation charge of $99.00 or will give you a "FREE" security system. Many do so if you put a security sign in your yard for advertising purposes and commit to a long-term alarm-monitoring contract.

Since the installation charge doesn't cover the true cost of the equipment and labor, you are charged a substantial monthly fee to recoup their investment. These "deals" or equipment leases aren't necessarily bad but make it hard to evaluate the true cost to you over time.
Home Security
Health Resources

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Home Security: Choosing a Security Alarm System

If you have valuable property (jewellery, television sets, computers, other electronic equipment, etc.) in your home, if your home is left unattended for extended periods, while you are at work or away on vacation, or you just want more protection then you may want to consider installing a quality alarm system.

The FBI recently announced that over a ten-year period, on average 1 out of every 4 homes throughout the nation would be burglarized. These statistics mean that it makes sense to protect your home with a good home-security system. There are many different burglar alarm systems available today, before you buy a particular system, your should give careful thought to what kind of system your want. This will stop you buying more than you actually need, while making sure that you obtain the level of protection you require.

Check out the different brands and types of systems, talk to friends and neighbors that have alarm systems and see what they have to say. I recommend that you get quotes from at least three security alarm companies about their product and service prior to purchasing any alarm system. But remember, the cheapest may well not be the best; you get what you pay for especially when it comes to home-security.

Choosing Your System.

Here are a few questions you might ask when considering an alarm system: 1. How will I know the right company to choose when considering an alarm system? 2. How much protection do I need? 3. How much will it all cost?

Tips to help you when choosing an alarm company 1. Ask about insurance. You need to check that the installer has adequate insurance this protects you! If the company is not properly protected, any claim or loss could become your responsibility! 2. Ask for the company's city business license, which allows them to do business in your community. 3. Ask for referrals to other customers in your area that have had systems installed like the one being proposed to you. 4. Check your contract! Read it carefully before you sign; make sure everything is agreed upon in writing. Know what the warranty period is and what is included in the warranty. 5. Ask if the company has been established for at least 3-5 years. That's not to say you shouldn't use a new company but you might want to be more careful if you do. 6. Ask about the monitoring, is it going to be local or outside your state. 7. Make sure that the company does its own installation and down not subcontract work out.

We do not recommend any individual company, there are many excellent installers out there, but you do need to do your own research, remember it's your home you are going to be protecting.

Now that we have covered the main physical details about protecting your home, in part seven I will start to cover some of the other things you should take into consideration.

For more vital home security tips and information about how to protect your home and family please visit www.homesecuritynews.info

You may reproduce this article provided you maintain an active link back to www.homesecuritynews.info

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Home Security Systems - Protecting Against More Than Just Break-Ins

When most people think of monitoring their home security system they think primarily about its ability to alert the police of a break-in. What they aren't aware of is the lesser know capabilities of the modern alarm system, which is environmental monitoring

For example: you can monitor the amount of carbon monoxide that is present in your home. Smoke Detectors, water level sensors and low temperature devices can also be monitored by home security systems. Although monitoring of these devices is becoming more popular it will be some time before it becomes a regular feature of every system.

News accounts have helped push the awareness of these capabilities. Every time there focus is placed on the effects of radon gas or other dangers such as fires in the home there is an increase demand for this type of monitoring.

Unfortunately it takes a tragedy to motivate most people to take action. Adding environmental monitoring devices to a new security system or existing ones is relatively simple. Once installed, the alarm system is programmed to make an audible sound or silent alarm depending on what type of device is being monitored.

If you have a low temperature sensor to prevent freezing pipes you wouldn't want the siren blasting you out of bed in the middle of the night but you would want to know if there is too much carbon monoxide in your home.

For those who are aware of the full capabilities of an alarm system it may come down to the cost issue whether or not to add extra equipment. Although cost is a valid concern one should also consider all the risks involved.

A break-in takes a human and a conscience decision to target a particular house. Where as fires and other acts of nature are not so discriminating. Think about all of the things that run on electric in a home. Any one of them has the potential for starting a fire.

Don?t get me wrong; I?m not talking about spontaneous combustion but normal wear and tear to the electrical cords etc. A fire or a flooding basement can damage an entire house costing many thousands of dollars. A break-in on the other hand is less likely to reach the same level of damage

When put into this perspective it?s not as hard to justify the cost of the equipment versus the potential risk you can avoid. Check with your insurance agent to see what discounts they give for monitoring your home security system.The author has more than 15 years experience in the home security industry. Learn more by clicking http://www.cornerstonesecurityservices.com

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Home Security Systems - An Insiders Guide To Saving You Money

Security Systems Reduce Burglaries...

Homes without security systems are about 3 times more likely to be broken into than homes with security systems.

Source: Simon Hakim, Temple University, 215-204-7476

Monitoring your home security system has never been easier but there are several things you need to consider before committing yourself to a long term monitoring agreement with any alarm company

Alarm companies don?t make the majority of their profit from selling security systems, it comes from accumulating a large base of alarm-monitoring contracts. In fact these monitoring contracts are so profitable that they are frequently bought and sold like mortgage notes.

Tip #1 Ask if they are an authorized alarm dealer or a represent a marketing company.

Marketing companies have learned to flood a market with fantastic offers on security systems with the sole purpose of selling the contracts at a profit. They often use any sub-contractor available, which can lead to poor customer service once the marketing company leaves town.

Once you find a reputable alarm company ask them to come out to your home and give you a quote. You?ll find that most will quote you a basic security system at a reasonable price. These basic security systems generally include an control panel, keypad, motion detector, a couple of door contacts, inside siren, a yard sign and warning decals

Tip #2 Make sure the equipment can be monitored by any alarm company not by just the one selling it to you.

If they use proprietary security equipment you could be left in a bind should you become dissatisfied with their service for any reason. Ademco, DSC,& Caddx are well known manufacturers and can be monitored by any one.

Some companies offer low a low installation charge of $99.00 or will give you a ?FREE? security system. Many do so if you put a security sign in your yard for advertising purposes and commit to a long-term alarm-monitoring contract.

Since the installation charge doesn't cover the true cost of the equipment and labor, you are charged a substantial monthly fee to recoup their investment. These ?deals? or equipment leases aren't necessarily bad but make it hard to evaluate the true cost to you over time.

The best way to evaluate your contract is to ask the salesman to give you a quote to purchase the security system outright and show the home alarm-monitoring fee separately. Most of the time you are better off buying the alarm system because your monitoring fee will be much less.

For example. Say for $99 your monitoring fee is $35 per month for 3 years you total cost for monitoring your home alarm is $1359.00 Your fee will remain $35 per month or even increase.

On the other hand say you pay $599.00 installation and $20 dollars a month your total cost is $1319. Not only is your overall cost less but from year 3 on your will be saving $180 per year. This savings would be better spent on upgrading your alarm system to include fire monitoring and added perimeter protection

Tip #3 Don?t pay additional charges for medical or fire monitoring.

It?s ok to pay for the equipment needed but some companies charge $2-$5 extra for these services. These options are easily programmed into the alarm system and don?t require any additional effort to monitor.

Is A Basic Security System For You?

The answer is probably not. Basic systems only cover your doors and are supplemented by the use of a motion detector. This detector is usually mounted in the main hallway to catch a burglar crossing the center of the home. If they come through a bedroom window and never pass by the motion detector, the alarm system will never sound. Imagine being home at the time this happens. Basic security systems are best used as a deterrent to a break in and to notify the authorities an alarm condition exist.

Adding perimeter protection such as window contacts or glass break detectors should be high on the list of upgrades. These types of upgrades not only activate the alarm system instantly but also will give you piece of mind while you are home.

Protect Your Financial Interest Not Just Your Home

Get all quotes in writing and make sure the quote is a binding quote. At a minimum the following should be included in your contract.

Length of contract and if / how it renews. Does it renew automatically? What type of notice do you have to give to terminate the monitoring agreement

Will your fee increase and is there a limit on the increase. If at all possible lock in your monitoring fee for the entire contract otherwise you could see an increase every year. Don?t be afraid to walk away on this point alone.

Do you own the equipment or is it a lease? A lease means lower initial installation cost but high monitoring fees.


Most of the alarm equipment comes with it?s own warranty in addition to what is offered by your company. Specify the warranty for each item so that you aren?t charged if it fails.
Also specify how long the warranty on labor is. Expect to pay some labor cost for replacing under warranty items

Service Calls

Alarm technicians are usually well trained to diagnose and fix problems with your security system. Be prepared to pay in the neighborhood of $55 per hour. The fee can seem high when compared to your original installation cost but is not out of line. Think about how much you pay for your car or computer to be worked on.

How long is the response time to service your alarm system. 48 hours is a reasonable time.

Do they provide an installation certificate for your home owner?s insurance. Many insurance companies offer a discount for monitored home security systems.

Don?t Wait Until You Have A Break-In To Get An Alarm System!

You can replace most things but you may never replace your sense of security in your own home.The author has more than 15 years experience in the home security industry. Learn more by clicking here http://www.cornerstonesecurityservices.com

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